Midtown Sanitary Sewer Collection System – Phase I, Midtown, TN
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Engineering and design of an extension to the Roane County sanitary sewer system to serve the Midtown community and commercial development at the I-40 interchange. The project included a sanitary pump station, 5,000 LF of 8-inch gravity sewer and 10,000 LF of 6-inch force main sewer lines. The project resulted in Roane County being able to partner with TVA to provide sewer service to the Kingston Steam Plant. LDS assisted Roane County with procuring and administering Rural Development funds. The project was completed under budget which allowed Roane County to proceed with an extension of the gravity sewer system.
Client – Roane County, TN

Tennessee Valley Authority Kingston Fossil Plant, Kingston, TN
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Design of sanitary sewer, force main, and sewage pumping station to expand the Roane County sanitary sewer system to serve the TVA facility. The system was designed for peak usage of 30,000 gpd, with average flow of approximately 11,000 gpd. The project required coordination with TVA, Roane County Government, Roane County Wastewater Department and the City Midtown.
Client – Tennessee Valley Authority

Midtown Sanitary Sewer Collection System Extension, Midtown, TN
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Provided engineering design services for the construction of 1642 LF of 8-inch diameter gravity sewer line and appurtenances. This project is an extension of the Midtown Sanitary Sewer Collection System constructed in 2001-2002 and funded by ARC and Rural Development. The original project was completed under budget which allowed Roane County to extend the gravity sewer collection system. The project is projected to bid in November 2003.
Client – Roane County, TN
Preliminary Engineering Report for Phase 2 of the Midtown Sewer Line Extension Project, Midtown, TN
Prepared a preliminary engineering report and estimates of probable cost an Appalachian Regional Commission Pre-Application. The project includes 5,430 LF of gravity sewer line, 2,500 LF of force main and pumping station to connect a low-to-moderate income area of the City of Midtown, that is experiencing septic tank failures, to the existing Roane County wastewater treatment system.
Client – City of Midtown, TN