Irene Lane Improvements, Loudon County, TN
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Provided civil engineering design for the 2500 LF road improvement project. The project included widening the narrow county road and providing access to an existing church. The project was coordinated with TDOT.
Client – Loudon County, TN

HEC-2 Flood Study of Piney Creek to Determine the Effects of Modifications to Bibb Garrett Road, Limestone County, AL
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Completed a Flood Analysis of a previously unstudied section of Piney Creek in Limestone County, Alabama. The purpose of the HEC-2 Flood Study was to evaluate the effects of proposed roadway improvements to Bibb Garrett Road. The roadway improvements include raising the road elevation so that it meets the Limestone County design standard of no more than one foot of water overtopping the road during a 25-year storm. The project involved working with TVA to establish Base Flood Elevation and Floodway based upon the roadway modifications. The study can be sent to FEMA for adoption as the regulated flood for the National Flood Insurance Program.
Client – Hollingsworth Company

Hickory Creek Road Improvements, Loudon County, TN
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Provided civil engineering design for the 1250 LF road improvement project. The project included widening 800 LF of U.S. Hwy 70. Approximately 450 LF of Hickory Creek Road was realigned and widened to 3-lanes at the intersection of U.S. Hwy 70. The project was coordinated with TDOT.
Client – Loudon County, TN

Cleveland Long-Range Transportation Plan, Cleveland, TN
Prepared a long-range plan which included proposed improvements to existing street, proposed new routes, sources of funding, and recommended sequence of improvements. The project required a review and analysis of issues related to a long-range transportation plan, including the existing street system, functional classification, capacity and demand based upon available ADT, turning movement counts, accident records and geometrics.
Client – Mauldin Parnell, Inc

Newport Signalization on Broadway, Newport, TN
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Designed signalization at 2 new intersections and upgraded 3 existing signalized intersections along Broadway. The design included the provision of a closed-loop system to interconnect the signals.
Client – City of Newport, TN.

Silver Lake Road Improvements, Church Hill, TN
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Provided planning and civil engineering design for the improvements to Silver Lake Road. The improvements were necessitated by new development. LDS conducted a traffic study to determine what improvements were needed. The project involved widening 1,200 LF of Silver Land Road. Improvements included widening 2-lanes to 24 FT going to 4-lanes at the intersection of State Route 1. The road was raised to access a new retail center. The improvements were designed to TDOT standards. The project required close coordination with all adjoining property owners.
Client – City of Church Hill, TN

Farragut Commuter Lot, Farragut, TN
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Provided civil engineering design services for the Farragut Commuter Lot on Campbell Station Road. The project included a 58 space park and ridge lot with a bus shelter and turnaround area. LDS scope of services included site layout, grading and drainage. The project was designed to TDOT standards. The project required coordination with the Town of Farragut, TDOT and the owner of the existing building on the site.
Client – University of Tennessee Transportation Center

East TN Children’s Hospital Traffic Control Plan 3
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Designed traffic control plans to reroute traffic around the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital project site and coordinated with City of Knoxville for the Cumberland Corridor construction.